The parade of the Poles on 5th Avenue. The school band on 6th. The Sunday bazaar in front of Grand Central. Countless patrol cars, police officers, "yellow" cabs and American flags (I think I stopped counting from the first day). Employees, homeless people, tourists and "fabulous" ladies in front of expensive shops. Reporters and panic in Wall Street and a huge flag trying to "hold" and prevent the "collapse" of an entire edifice. The clamour on Times Square and the silence on Top of the Rock. The beautiful Subway and street signs. The old water reservoirs at the rooftops in Brooklyn. Manhattan seen from Gina's appartment in Queens and the feeling of living on the 20th floor of a building.
myNY is a small book of impressions from New York. A reminder assembled out of photographs. Out of instinctively captured images of one's "return" to a city so alien and strange that in the end it seems familiar.
All images were captured with an Olympus Pen EE-2, 28mm/f3.5 (1968-1977) and a Rollei 35 T, 40mm/f3.5 (1971-1979) analogue camera. The films used were 200 ASA negatives and 100 ASA slides.
Thank you dad for the cameras and everything else, Michael and Nicoletta ( → cannot not design publications) for your trust, Paris for the critical view, Haroula, George, Christina, John and Helen for the comments and the invaluable support, Gina for the hospitality and George for the email that started it all.
(more of) myN.Y. // George Triantafyllakos